Review: Fisher Price Tree Party Comfy Time Bouncer

When I was pregnant with my now 4 month old daughter, one of the many things we purchased before she was born was this brilliant Fisher Price bouncer. This is my third baby, so I knew that I could trust the brand Fisher Price as my previous two children had both had Fisher Price bouncers and loved them! Continue reading

Emilia’s 4 Month Update

Wow, 4 months already! I know I said it last time and I will probably say it in every single one of these updates, but where HAS that time gone??!!! I honestly cannot believe I have a 4 month old already, I am still in the mindset of just having a baby!! She really isn’t a newborn baby anymore though, she is growing and changing so fast every day right before our eyes. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry, I cannot wait to watch her grow up and I feel so privileged to be able to spend every single minute of these precious first years with her, but on the other hand I feel like crying that already she isn’t a tiny baby anymore!! (Even though she is in my head haha). Continue reading

Gift ideas for a 3 year old boy

My youngest son has just turned 3 so I thought I would share some of the gifts he received for his birthday to give you some ideas for Christmas or any birthdays you have coming up! I found him quite difficult to buy for this year as he and his brother seem to have everything already. I therefore made a list of all the things I know he enjoys playing with either at home or at playgroup and just expanded on these really. Continue reading

Simple yet tasty vanilla cupcakes

I was recently contacted by Stork and they invited me to try their new product “Stork With Butter” for free. Of course, I accepted this offer as I love to bake and I am always looking for new ingredients to use. This is actually the second bake that I have used the new Stork product for. I firstly made some Halloween biscuits which were delicious! For my second bake however, I really wanted to test the new buttery spread and see how good it really was. I therefore chose to bake vanilla cupcakes with a vanilla buttercream icing, both components needing the Stork With Butter ingredient.
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Emilia’s 3 month update

So Emilia is 3 months old today. 3 months!! How did that happen! It seems like its gone so fast but on the other hand it feels like she has been here forever. We couldn’t imagine life without her now, she is definitely the final missing piece in our family puzzle!

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It makes me sad

Before i begin…
Disclaimer: This is not a “dig” at formula feeding at all. I have totally formula fed 2 of my children. I think it’s amazing stuff – it keeps babies alive that cannot be breastfed for whatever reason!
Breastfeeding – the most natural thing in the world, right? Wrong.. Or so it seems.

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Becoming a mum for the first time

I was incredibly anxious while pregnant due to having a miscarriage the year before. Sustaining the pregnancy each and every day for the whole 42 weeks I was pregnant was a huge achievement for me. This overshadowed what I actually imagined being a mum was going to be like as I was so focused on the pregnancy, so when J was born it hit me like a ton of bricks!
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Review: My Child Floe “Rainbow Squiggle” Pushchair

I am in my 5th year of being a mummy now, and this means I have had probably more than my fair share of pushchairs!! I went through phases with both the boys of swapping and changing our pushchair quite frequently, much to my husband’s annoyance! We are on baby number 3 now though and that is no longer financially or physically possible (I don’t have the time to be worrying about getting all different pushchairs now!!). We needed a pushchair that will last right up until our little lady no longer needs it.
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